Welcome Cloonan parents. If you are new to Cloonan, please sign up on the website now to receive email-blast throughout the school year from the PTO.  It is our best way to communicate upcoming school events and fundraisers that will go on this year at Cloonan.

Cloonan PTO Executive Board 2015-2016

Co-PresidentsLori Johnston and Joanne Liu

Treasurer: Jennifer Edwards

Asst Treasurer: Suha Buckey

VP's of Fundraising: Open

VP of Operations: Toni Cummaro

VP of Communications: Cheryl Malkierwicz

Secretary: Moira Sawch

PT Council Representative: Chris Hoque



Volunteer Opportunities

Please find a form here to fill out if you wish to volunteer for the PTO. Thank you to the 6th grade parents who already signed up at orientation. We are looking for help in many areas, including:
·Pizza Days on Early. Release Days
·School Photos (9/30, retakes 11/12)
·STEAM Night (10/21)
·Social Socials/Dances (2 Friday Nights, dates TDB)
·Honor Roll Ice Creams Socials
·Staff Appreciation (First Week in May)
·Valentine's Day Sales (February)
·Selling Cloonan Spirit Wear
·Spring Musical
·8th Grade Graduation/Honor Roll Breakfast
Please keep an eye out for the PTO informational packet with details on the fall fundraising campaign and coupons that will be mailed home next week.

Join our mailing list.




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11 West North Street

Stamford, CT 06902 


Phone: (203) 977- 4544
Fax: (203) 977-4867

School Hrs. 7:15 AM-2:05 PM